
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Inspiration - YOYBUY
You can buy from china and get a great deal. You can get a
great deal on a dress at yoybuy.com. You need to be able to find a way to truly
enjoy cheap women clothing that will make you feel good when you happen to go
out for dinner. It makes sense to buy from china if you want some cheap and yet
elegant clothes. http://www.yoybuy.com/

Monday, December 07, 2015
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Leopard boots

You know that I have one obsession - boots over the knee! People hate or love this leopard model. Of course, I am in second group. I ordered fur jacket from StyleMoi two months ago, but weather was so hot here and I couldn't make pictures. Today is the right time for one classy outfit.
Verovatno ste shvatili da su cizme preko kolena moja trenutna opsesija. Ove u leopard printu ili volite ili ne volite. Ja sam naravno u ovoj prvoj grupi. Uz ne preterano sareni ostatak mogu izgledati vrlo dobro. Bundicu sam dobila sa sajta StyleMoi pre dva meseca, ali vreme naravno nije bilo u skladu sa cinjenicom da setamo u bundi. Zato je danas pravo vreme za jedan damski outfit.
Monday, November 02, 2015
Sunday, November 01, 2015
Blue booties

Hello! Happy November. I can't believe that we have just two months in this year. In my country is great and sunny weather and I have a feeling that is spring. Enjoy!
Zar je moguce da je vec novembar? Kako je ovih dana vreme suncano i toplo, imam osecaj kao da je prolece u pitanju. Zelim vam divan mesec, ispunjen pozitivnom energijom i smehom. A najbolji pocetak je mozda bas ova nedelja, koju se nadam da provodite bas onako kako zelite!
Friday, October 30, 2015
New vest

I don't wear black often. But, for today, I chose one black outfit and my new camel vest from SheIn
(you can see details about vest here). Do you like to wear vests? I
like. It is great item for fall, especially when you combine it with
dresses, ripped jeans or over the leather jacket. And I wanted some
colors in this look. For that reason, I put my new red sunglasses from NewDress. Happy Friday!
Ne nosim cesto crnu. Ali za danas, sam odabrala bas takav outfit sa mojim novim prslukom sa sajta SheIn
( mozete ga pogledati ovde). Da li nosite prsluke? Ja ih obozavam.
Narocito u kombinaciji sa haljinama, pocepanim farmericama ili preko
kozne jakne. Ali, naravno, zelela sam i malo boje. Iz tog razloga, moje
nove naocare sa sajta NewDress nasle su se u danasnjem outfitu.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
White boots over the knee

In previous post, you saw my black boots over the knee. This time, I want to share with you white boots, my new favourites. You know that I like to wear skirts and I need these boots in every color. And what do you think about my new coat? I don't wear coats often, because I prefer jackets. But, maybe I need to change the decision?
U prethodnom postu videli ste crne cizme preko kolena. U ovom postu sa vama delim svoje nove, bele, iskreno meni jos lepse od onih crnih. Kako sam neko ko ne skida suknje i haljine , ovakav tip obuce je meni zapravo i najpotrebniji, tako da se nadam jos nekom paru, hahaha. Sta mislite o mom novom kaputu? Generalno, ne nosim kapute cesto, uglavnom preferiram kratke jakne. Ali, mozda treba promeniti tu odluku?
Monday, October 26, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
White skirt

I like so much boots over the knee. It is my favourite item for fall, winter and spring. In this post, you can see my new boots from PinkBasis. This is one classical, black model. We enjoy in nice weather this week , and I use opportunity to wear this mini skirt from LovelyWholeSale. Happy Sunday!
Cizme preko kolena obozavam. Zelim da ih nosim preko cele godine, ali da, to nije bas moguce. Zato koristim jesen, zimu i prolece, i kombinujem ih uz razlicite stvarcice. Ove cizme sam odabrala sa sajta Pink Basis. Klasicne, crne, lake za kombinovanje. Kako uzivamo jos ove nedelje u divnom vremenu, koristim priliku za mini suknju sa sajta LovelyWholeSale. Nadam se da uzivate u vikendu!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015

At first, I can say that I have great collaboration with SammyDress. I chose this shirt in green color, but they sent me all colors: green, brown, grey and black. So cool! And my mom bought me this skirt when I was on vacation in Sweden. What do you think about this grey outfit?
Ova bluza se potpuno slucajno nasla u mom ormanu. Kao deo saradnje, sa sajta SammyDress narucila sam isti model u zelenoj boji. Oni su bili i vise nego ljubazni i bez mog znanja poslali sve cetiri boje. Tako da sada imam zelenu, crnu, braon i ovu sivu. Suknjicu mi je mama kupila dok sam ja bila u Svedskoj. I eto mene u sivoj kombinaciji.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
CFJ Necklace

Hello my lovelies! I had one idea in my head yesterday : I want to wear this necklace! It's my new necklace and I am in love. You know that I love colors and it is quite expected. Necklace is from CFJ and I recommend you to check
their offer here.And yellow? I think it's great color for autumn. New dress from Yoins, brown jacket and boots, pink bag and I was ready!
Drage moje, juce sam imala u glavi samo jedno : Zelim da nosim ovu ogrlicu! Znate da volim boje tako da je izbor ogrlice sasvim ocekivan. Velike ogrlice cine svaku kombinaciju zanimljivijom, te vam dodatni nakit cesto nije potreban. CFJ nudi divan izbor nakita, svakako preporucujem da pogledate njihovu stranicu ovde. Ja sam sigurna da ce se ova ogrlica naci i u sledecim kombinacijama. A zuta haljina sa sajta Yoins? Pa savrsena za jesen! Braon jakna i cizme, pink torbica i ja sam bila spremna!
Friday, October 16, 2015
Denim dress

Sometimes it's good if you have prepared posts. It's bad weather in my country now, and it is impossible to take pictures. I received this dress from LovelyWhole Sale last month, and now it's time to show you. I wish you nice weekend!
Vreme je jako lose ovih dana i skoro je nemoguce uhvatiti pola sata bez kise i vetra. Zato je tu post slikan pocetkom meseca, kada sam otprilike i dobila ovu haljinu sa sajta LovelyWholeSale. Imam toliko toga da vam pokazem, tako da sam sigurna da ce postova biti sto cesce. Zelim van divan vikend!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Denim vest

Denim and white is one of my favourite combinations. This time I want to share with you my new items. When you are a blogger, you receive so many clothes every day. And it is so cool! Today, new white dress and bag from WholeSaleBuying, denim vest from CNDirect, watch from Cluse Watches and gorgeous boots, you saw them in previous outfit post.
Teksas najvise volim da kombinujem sa belom bojom. U tom stilu je i danasnji post. Znam da trenutno u Srbiji nije moguce nositi ovakvu kombinaciju zbog vremena, ali sam ja ovo slikala pre desetak kada smo jos uvek uzivali u divnim i suncanim danima. Haljinu i torbu sam odabrala sa sajta WholeSaleBuying, a prsluk, koji sam inace dugo trazila, nasla na sajtu CNDirect. Sa satom, koji ne skidam, upoznala sam vas u proslom postu.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Friday, October 09, 2015
Collaboration with Cluse Watches

September was very successful month for me. I made a lot of new collaborations. One of them is with Cluse Watches. What do you think about my pastel mint watch? I am so in love with design and color. If you want to read their story click here.
"CLUSE is there not only to indicate time, but to define your best moments and captivate attention in all simplicity"
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Fur jacket from Banggood

Hi! I am so busy these days. I will go to Sweden on Saturday, and I am so happy. It will be my first time in this country. Anybody from Sweden? I will visit Denmark also. But after that I made for you new posts. This one, where I wore my new fur jacket from Banggood. I like so much color and design (see here details if you want). And I think that ripped jeans is always a good choice. Do you share my opinion?
U nekom od proslih postova sam spomenula da me ocekuje novo putovanje. Iako sam jako umorna i zauzeta ovih dana, radujem se i te kako. Bicu nekoliko dana u Svedskoj, to je moja prva poseta toj drzavi. Iskoristicu priliku, kada sam vec gore, da obidjem i deo Danske. Naravno vise o svemu tome u postovima kada se budem vratila. Pre svega toga, mislim da ce biti jos dva outfit posta. Ovaj danasnji sa mojom novom bundicom sa sajta Banggood (ovde). Tu su i iscepane farmerice koje su po meni uvek dobar izbor, da li ih i vi volite? Novi sat je poklon kompanije Cluse, ali o njemu vise u sledecem postu.
Tuesday, October 06, 2015
Saturday, October 03, 2015
Red midi dress

I am so in love with AxParis dresses. I think they are very elegant. This time I chose red midi dress. What do you think? Do you like midi dresses? Details about this amazing dress you can see here. And I wore my new necklace from Lavish Luxe. I recommend you to check
their offer here.
Sa kompanijom AxParis saradjujem vec nekoliko meseci i njihove haljine jesu jedne od najdrazih u mom ormanu. Ovog puta sam se odlucila za crvenu haljinu, midi duzine. Detalje o haljini mozete pogledati ovde. Moram napomenuti da je i moja nova ogrlica stigla iz Engleske, od Lavish Luxe-a.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
My summer vacation

Hello my lovelies! I want to share with you photos from my summer vacation. I spent my vacation in Turkey last month. Beach, yachts, food, sea and sun... I think it's enough for amazing holiday. Where did you spend your holiday? And do you know what? I can't wait for my next trip. Very soon, new countries and new adventures.
Vreme u Srbiji je prilicno lose ovih dana, tako da nista od outfit posta. Zato sam pozelela da sa vama podelim slike sa mog letnjeg odmora, koji sam provela u Turskoj, proslog meseca. O da, na slikama cete videti sve ono sto za mene predstavlja savrsen odmor. More, hrana, luka, plaza, brodovi... mislim da je i vise nego dovoljno. Ja ne mogu docekati moje sledece putovanje. Vrlo brzo, nove drzave i nove avanture.
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